Filled with striking women, fairies and heroes on brilliant landscapes with celestial hues, Nene Thomas's works capture the feeling of dreams and wishes for hope- lled tomorrows. This stunning imagery now inspires a first-ever sculpture designed to bring encouragement to those who face the challenge of ovarian cancer.
Every inch of "Hopeful Radiance" is crafted by hand - from the gentle scrolls of her butter‑ y look wings to the gathered ‑ ounces of her layered gown ... from the etched bodice of her ensemble to her calm expression of encouragement. You'll be proud to display her in your home as she shares her message of encouragement.
For added dazzle, "Hopeful Radiance" is adorned with hand-applied glitter and shimmering faux gems to bring a sparkle of hope for those facing the challenge of ovarian cancer.